Indexable Milling Cutters & Inserts

Try our cutting tools risk-free. Our mantra is that your job is our job, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Rest assured, you have our unwavering commitment to improving your bottom line.

Request Your Guaranteed Test Order Today!

Free gift with your guaranteed test orderWhile supplies last, receive a free camo hat or Mini Maglite® with your approved guaranteed test order (quantities limited).

  1. Contact DAPRA at 1-800-243-3344 to discuss your application and tooling requirements, or complete the form below to have a Dapra Applications Specialist call you.
  2. Receive a free gift upon Dapra acceptance of the guaranteed test order.
  3. DAPRA stands behind the performance of our cutting tools. If you don't achieve the expected results, you will receive a full refund!

Guaranteed Test Order Terms & Conditions:

  • Test tool is selected mutually by customer and Dapra Applications Specialist (DAS)
  • Customer agrees to run the tool as recommended by DAS
  • Test expectations to be predetermined by mutual agreement between customer and DAS
  • DAS may require his presence during testing if the application requires adjustments to parameters
  • Tests that fail to meet agreed-upon expectations are eligible for return, providing the above conditions are met